CEO Juice Provides Business and Artificial Intelligence
for over 95% of large Copier Dealers in North America.

CEO Juice provides Business and Artificial Intelligence for Copier Dealers, backed up by a team of industry experts. Our software and systems ensure your business is running as efficiently and smoothly as possible, while our team of experts can help with software and best practice questions. Systems that know when something goes wrong with the intelligence to take the correct steps to address the issue.

A single pane of interactive glass

Most of our clients have data stored in multiple databases. eAutomate is generally the master but typically we see a CRM like SalesForce/SalesChain, a DCA like Printanista/MPS Monitor/EKM, marketing software like HubSpot, a PSA like ConnectWise/AutoTask, etc. Then there are lots of places to view the data from these DBs, we have been focused on Microsoft Power BI since we built our 1st Covid dashboard in early 2020.

Chat GPT for dealers & your customers

I am a big fan of Marcus Sheridan's book, They Ask, You Answer, any owner looking to expand marketing should read it.

Happy New Year & 2023 Review

Happy Holidays from your CEO Juice Team!  

Three Simple Steps to Increased Profitability

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A.I. monitors your system 24/7 and reacts to problems

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The Juice team validates data to ensure you are confident in its accuracy

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Share and implement best practices

CEO Juice Solves Dealers’ Most Pressing Problems

  • Ensures customers are invoiced Á correctly paying on time
  • Contracts are set up and billing correctly
  • Alerts for lease-ends
  • Best practices for contract profitability
  • Plus many, many more!
>> View CEO Juice's 1000+ Processes

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